Mission | Vision | Values

Who we are and what we value


Our mission at Gospel Collective is to Glorify God, Love Our Neighbors, and Make Disciples who make disciples.


The vision of Gospel Collective Church is to be a church where committed followers of Jesus work collectively to advance the gospel in West Lexington and around the world.


Glorify God

John 17:4-6

Gospel Centered - The Gospel shapes and directs all of our beliefs and actions

Worship That Glorifies God - We give God the most glory through our worship which includes our individual and corporate adoration.

Biblical Teaching - We preach and teach the Bible as God’s authoritative, inspired, inerrant Word that reveals His plan for salvation and edified His saints in all of our ministries.

Dependent Prayer - We are dependent on prayer in our lives as individuals, family units, and as a corporate community.

Love Our Neighbors

Matthew 22:35-40

Love & Serve A Diverse Community - We love our neighbors around us by serving our local and diverse community for God’s common good and human flourishing.

Personal Evangelism - We believe that every Christian is a missionary sent our by Jesus for local evangelism that feeds back into the church.

Engaging & Redeeming Culture - We actively step into the brokenness of culture and use our creative abilities to engage and redeem the culture with the Gospel.

Family Ministry - We value families because God values families and we’ll help people of all ages and stages of life to find their God-given design in order to leave a spiritual legacy.

Make Disciples

Matthew 28:16-20

Biblical Community - We believe that life needs to be shared with others in a Biblical community where God’s Word is applied in small group settings.

Reproducing Discipleship - We are committed to maintaining a culture that is intentional about making disciples that make disciples.

Global Mission - We are compelled by the Great Commission to reach the nations for Christ.

Leadership Development - We develop people into leaders who will serve and sacrifice according to their call and giftings from God.

discover what we’re doing in the community and around the world